
Saturday 3 June 2017

A Novel Project [Part 2-a] Interviewing Sir Jason Thane

This blog post is a response to: ; a blog post by Carly Watters, a VP and Senior Literary Agent at the P.S. Literary Agency. This is to develop my main characters from A Novel Project [Part 2].

What do they look like?

Shoulder-length brown hair. Thin, brown eyes - firm expression, wrinkled brow. Strong jawline and cold smile. Pointed nose at a slight angle. Scar on his neck, pinky finger tip chipped. Tall, strong build. 

What do they like to wear?

Well polished armour. Orderly.

How do they like to socialize?
One on one, quielty. Focused and insightful. Always wins at poker.

What was their role in their family growing up?
Sent into training young. Played chess with his father, helped his mother with chores.

What were they most proud of as a kid?

Never losing at chess. 

What did they find terribly embarrassing as a kid?
 Caught wearing his mother's dress by his father.

What was their first best friend like?
When training, best friend was passionate and enthused, yet lacking skill to progress. 

What ‘group’ were they in during their high school years?

Total nerd-jock hybrid. 

What did they want to be when they grew up–and what did they end up becoming?
Wanted to be a libarian as a boy, then a commander. Became a Lion Knight. 

What are their hobbies?
Reading, chess. 

What music do they listen to?
War drums. 

What annoys them?
Slow people. Over friendly animals. Drunks. 

What makes them laugh?
Slow people. Over friendly animals. Drunks. 

Are they a dog or a cat person?
Both. Loyal and a lion. 

What season do they enjoy most?

What makes them embarrassed as an adult?
Learned never to be embarrassed. 

Do they drink alcohol?

What do they feel most passionately about?
What trait do they find most admirable in others?

Do they want a job that helps people or a job that makes money?
Helps people, but a little from column A, little from column B if he gets to decide. 

Are they a leader or a follower?
A leader, this was recognised and he was promoted to a 'lone wolf' position in the LKs, to avoid any conflict between himself and superiors. 

What scares them?
Mortality. Evil. Corruption. 

What are their long term goals?
To better the nation and uphold the law. 

What are their short term goals?
Ensure the safety of those about, uphold the law. 

What are their bad habits?
Cracks knuckles, pacing, fidgetting. 

If they could have lived in another decade which would it have been?
The future. 

What do they do when they’re bored?
Flick chess pieces at a rook fort build. 

What do they think happens after we die?
Buried or burned. 

If they were to come into money what would they do with it?
Give it away. 

Who was the love of their life?

 No one, not a love story.