
Saturday 3 June 2017

A Novel Project [Part 2-b] Interviewing Sir Roderick Westrun

This blog post is a response to: ; a blog post by Carly Watters, a VP and Senior Literary Agent at the P.S. Literary Agency. This is to develop my main characters from A Novel Project [Part 2].

What do they look like?

Short, brown hair. Pale blue eyes. Dusty, tanned skin. Grown beard. Square-shoulders, broad and wide. Strong, muscular legs; thin, long arms. Quick and sharp. Handsome enough, large nose.

What do they like to wear?

Armour, not due to pride, but to always be prepared. Well worn.

How do they like to socialize?

In large groups, centre of conversation. 

What was their role in their family growing up?

Talk to guests and sweeten them up, until that went all kinds of oh-no. 

What were they most proud of as a kid?

Horse riding skill. 

What did they find terribly embarrassing as a kid?


What was their first best friend like?

Intelligent discussion and creativity based conversations, one on one. 

What ‘group’ were they in during their high school years?

Rich kids. 

What did they want to be when they grew up–and what did they end up becoming?

He wanted to be a Duke, but better than his father; then a soldier. Became a Lion Knight. 

What are their hobbies?

Committed to the job. He trains and focuses his mind, body and tongue on being as sharp as possible for the nation.

What music do they listen to?

Strings and vocals. A local tavern bard will hold his attention long into the night. 

What annoys them?


What makes them laugh?

Happenstance stories and odd musings by townsfolk and city dwellers. Nature's oddities and life's unexpected turns. Himself, at himself. Anything at the Empire.

Are they a dog or a cat person?

Cat (lion). 

What season do they enjoy most?


What makes them embarrassed as an adult?

Praise from superiors. 

Do they drink alcohol?

Yes, though infrequently. Less and less as the story progresses. 

What do they feel most passionately about?

The realm and the good of the people. 

What trait do they find most admirable in others?


Do they want a job that helps people or a job that makes money?

Helps people, 100%. 

Are they a leader or a follower?

Both. He is a powerful and compelling military leader, vocal and representative of what he and his soldiers believe in. Yet, Roderick has a strong belief in oaths and law and tradition, and follows commands and laws - though, often seeking wiggle room.

What scares them?

Tyranny. Seeing the Kingdom become the Empire it left behind. 

What are their long term goals?

To see the Kingdom prosper and be righteous. 

What are their short term goals?

 To protect and uphold the law.

What are their bad habits?

Little to none. 

If they could have lived in another decade which would it have been?

During the rebellion against the Empire, to be among the legends. 

What do they do when they’re bored?

Train, socialise, patrol.

What do they think happens after we die?


If they were to come into money what would they do with it?

He would invest it into the realm by developing new opportunities for the citizens. A school or work house, fo sho. 

Who was the love of their life?

 No one, not a love story.