
Tuesday 16 June 2015

'Every night I dream and then I wake', by Aron Woolnough

Every night I dream and then I wake.

I dreamt of spring last night.
The wet blue day had only just begun.
A busy buzzing bee dropped into our garden
when the blossom flew across the Sun.
The blossom landed in your tucked-back hair
and the bee landed on my pale freckled arm.
It nestled between us and tickled me with it’s stinger.
You watched the sun rise and I watched you.
We never stopped smiling, but the bee buzzed off –

and then I wake with the cold bitter air by my side
and see I slept on solid dirt during the dusk. The low winter Sun drops.

I dreamt of summer last night.
The shinning white day had only just begun.
We drove to the Zoo and we gasped,
a lioness dozed under the high Sun.
She was fierce, could cut a man in half.
The ground was marked by thick claws.
The beast soundly slept as we studied it,
but we found no meaning for a lioness
and we left it for the honey bees –

and then I wake to trace the hard naked hills
and see them shaping the bloody horizon. The low winter Sun drops.

I dreamt of autumn last night.
The cool brown day had only just begun.
Dead leaves had dried to a crisp and we crunched
them under our footsteps, following the Sun
through the tree tops towards no where.
Weaving through the trunks without a path,
but everywhere we reached, there you were,
standing by my side. You kicked through the leaves
and I laughed until you left –

and then I wake as a siholuette standing against a bright white moon. The day had only just begun.

I dream of winter tonight.
The cold black day has only just begun.  
Shivered plants fade away and leave a hunger.
I am freezing without the low hanged Sun.
Lost in the darkness, searching for a light.
Hoping to find you for the rest of my life,
but only finding fright and sleepless nights.
I walk about a void under directionless stars,
the white moon slips into darkness –

and then I wake, the sun has risen and the day is hot, but my skin is still so pale.